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Wise words to remember!

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Quotes on Canvas

Whether in the bedroom getting up in the morning, in the living room simply relaxing or in the kitchen cooking - everyone needs little sayings that give courage, comfort, or simply just make one smile. Good morning, good night, enjoy your day, start with some coffee, remember you are beautiful just the way you are, motivate yourself or someone else. At wall-art you will find the perfect quote for you.

There are many touching quotes and one-liners that inspire you, motivate you and make you remember to enjoy each and every day. Choose your favourite design on canvas and we'll produce it for you.

A quote for your living room, office, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. Inspire the chef in your kitchen with an inspirational recipe or cooking quote. Remember to give your loved one a kiss goodnight with a romantic quote above your bed. Your favourite song lyrics, a one-liner, a saying from your idol, bathroom quotes or quotes for your office to motivate yourself or your staff. Family and friends quotes, welcome home, beauty quotes, inspirational quotes, english quotes, dutch quotes, swedish quotes, french or italian quotes; you'll find it all at wall-art.com.

Canvas is the perfect wall decoration for any home or office that never goes out of style. Impress with one large canvas print or combine a few smaller ones. Enjoy shopping online. If you have any questions, just let us know, we are happy to help you.

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